I.I. Melbourne

I.I. Melbourne

Wednesday 3 April 2024


At this year's Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show there was a bold display by members of five ikebana schools belonging to the Melbourne Chapter of Ikebana International. The theme was celebration, for the 65th anniversary of the Chapter. Each of the ikebana arrangements presented characteristic styles of their schools and featured gold and silver Mizuhiki. All of the works were presented in black vessels on white plinths. The ikebana stood out against the red wall at the back of the display but were united by their colour themes. 

The Display won a silver medal in the "Floral Design" section. Below are the individual arrangements shown from left to right in the photo above.

Lucy Papas, Sogetsu School.

Chieko Yazaki, Shogetsudo Koryu.

Magdelena O'Kane, Shogetsudo Koryu.

Angela Chau and Joanne Huang, Ikenobo School.

Felicia Huang, Ohara School.

Emily Karanikolopoulos, Sogetsu School.

Naomi Cullen, Ichiyo School.

Cym Reeves, Sogetsu School.

Celebrating the opening of the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show left to right: Chieko Yazaki - Head of Shogetsudo Koryu Melbourne, Mrs Shimada - Patron and wife of the Consul-general of Japan in Melbourne, Julie Ireland - Exhibition Coordinator, Ms Miguchi - Vice Consul-General of Japan.

Thanks to Lei Wang for the photography and post production work on the images above. 

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