On Tuesday 9th August 36 members and 3 visitors attended the AGM of the Melbourne Chapter. A new committee was elected . The newly elected President Nobuko Kobayashi was presented with her Presidents pin by Julie Ireland, the retiring President.
As is the custom for this meeting there was no guest speaker. A demonstration by the Heads of the following schools; Ichiyo, Shogetsudo koryu, and Sogetsu was given. The Ohara and Ikenobo School demonstrations were conducted by Jo Tan and Yukako Braun respectively.
The demonstrators all worked concurrently and after completing their ikebana, spoke about their school and the ikebana they had just created.
Yukako Braun, Ikenobo School.
Completed ikebana.
Chieko Yazaki, Shogetsudo koryu.
Completed ikebana.
Naomi Cullen, Ichiyo School.
Completed ikebana.
Jo Tan, representing the Ohara School.
Completed ikebana.
Christopher James, Sogetsu School.
Completed ikebana.
Below is a selection of the ikebana made by members at the meeting.
Toula Karanikolopoulos, Sogetsu School.
Betty Karanikolopoulos, Sogetsu School.
Rie Sasaki, Ichiyo School.
Kaye Wong, Ichiyo School.
Kim Louey, Ichiyo School.
Nicole McDonald, Sogetsu School.
Karen Thode, Sogetsu School.
Julie Ireland, Sogetsu School.
Sally Wilkinson, Ohara School.
Margaret Leung, Sogetsu School.