On Tuesday 13th August 41 members attended the AGM of the Melbourne Chapter. A new committee was elected with six members returning and six new members joining the committee. As is the custom for this meeting there was no guest speaker and the Heads of Schools who were present, Ikenobo, Shogetsudo koryu, Ohara and Sogetsu, gave a demonstration.
On this occasion the demonstrators created their ikebana concurrently and then each Head of School spoke about the ikebana they had created.
Yukako Braun.
Completed ikebana.
Lyn Wong.
Christopher James.
Completed ikebana.
Below are the ikebana arrangements made by members that were presented following the demonstration and the close of the formal meeting.
Lee Johnstone, Sogetsu School
Nicole McDonald, Sogetsu School
Margaret Wilson, Sogetsu School
Marjorie Campkin-Smith, Sogetsu School
Rachel Lok, Shogetsudo koryu School
Helen Marriott, Shogetsudo koryu School
Lara Telford, Sogetsu School
Elizabeth Angell. Sogetsu School
Toula Karanikolopoulos, Sogetsu School
Emily Karanikolopoulos, Sogetsu School
Josephine Tan, Ohara School
Felicia Huang, Ohara School
Kim Ng, Ohara School
Judy Hajdu, Ohara School
Anne Conrick, Ohara School